How to create daily habits that last
These days it seems like our world works in a way that enforces us to constantly strive for more. More attention, more experiences, more money and ...
Read moreYou need good habits as a foundation for a happy and fulfilled life.
Yet it is frustrating to try different tools for building these habits and then always ending up at the same point being overwhelmed or loosing track.
That's why we made it our mission to create simple tools that help build better habits - one habit at a time - by making them a part of your home and your life.
Because good habits create a good life. It’s that simple. And we believe that if everyone would live a fulfilled life, this world would be a better place.
Whatever it is you want to change – start with something small, something you can do every day.
This could be a new habit you want to build or an old one you want to get rid of. Or maybe you just want to set yourself a personal goal or challenge and track it .
Whatever it is you want to achieve – Start by writing it down.
Place your Habit tracker where it is always visible.
Being reminded of how far you have come with your habit goal will motivate you to keep going.
And even better, you might inspire others when they come for a visit and see how you are crushing it!
Reward yourself for every day you have completed your new habit.
This will not only keep you accountable if you have missed a day but it will also significantly increase your chances of success with your habit change.
Whether you've achieved a personal goal, completed a 30-day challenge or created a new habit – you have sure made a step towards a better version of yourself.
Feels good right?
Maybe as good that you want to go straight into the next one.
Take a break, celebrate yourself and then keep going and let us know about your success!
After being into personal development for quite some time, there was always something missing for us. Simplicity.
With that in mind Joost and Felix, two students at Lund University went on to create a simple tool that helps people to stay motivated while working towards their goals and keeps them accountable at the same time.
Something that anyone could easily integrate into their home. Something that makes working towards personal goals and building bettter habits, simple and effortless.
These days it seems like our world works in a way that enforces us to constantly strive for more. More attention, more experiences, more money and ...
Read moreToday we want to introduce you to Daniel and Chiara. They've been living a quite healthy lifestyle, doing plenty of sports, eating healthy and havi...
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